
2013年 全日本F3選手権シリーズ第6戦/第7戦
●全日本F3選手権 第7戦 決勝レポート
第6戦ではポールポジションをPETRONAS TEAM TOM'Sの勝田貴元に奪われたものの、第7戦ではチームメイトの中山雄一がその座を奪還。「アタックするタイミングが悪くて、何度も引っかかったというのもあるんですが、何より路面温度が上がったせいか、グリップが下がってしまって」ということで1分25秒415を記すに留まり、タイムアップこそならなかったものの、指定席でもある最前列から中山は日曜日の決勝レースに挑むこととなった。2番手は勝田が、そして3番手はHFDP RACINGの松下信治、4番手はTODA RACINGの野尻智紀が獲得している。
F3-Nクラスでは、またしてもNDDP RACINGの高星明誠がトップで、第1戦から未だその座を明け渡さず。2番手にはTOM'S SPIRITのナニン・インドラ・パユーングが、そして第6戦よりひとつ順位を落としたものの、TOCHIGI Le Beausset Motorsportsの小河諒が3番手につけている。
第6戦より7周多い、25周で争われる第7戦の決勝レースだが、小泉洋史(Net Move Hanashima Racing)が体調不良のため欠場に。これにより、スターティンググリッドには12台が並ぶこととなった。サーキット上空には前日とは打って変わって雲が浮かぶようになり、さらに風も吹くようになって温度は低めに。気温は26℃、路面温度は33℃と、第6戦以上のコンディションとなっていた。
次第に差が広がっていく中山に対し、続く勝田も3番手の松下との差を徐々に広げていた。対照的に激しく繰り広げられたのが、野尻とB-MAX ENGINEERINGの千代勝正、そしてHFDP RACINGの清原章太による4番手争い。特に4周目は、アトウッドコーナーで野尻が喫したシフトミスに乗じ、ヘアピンで千代が激しいアタックを見せた。だが、野尻も冷静な対処で逆転を許さず。その接戦も中盤までで、やがてそれぞれの間隔は広がっていくこととなった。そして、13周目には松下がトラブルでリタイアしたこともあり、それぞれ順位を繰り上げた。
特に終盤はじわりじわりと勝田を引き離していった、中山はこれで6連勝。ファステストラップも記録し、2戦ぶりの12ポイント完全獲得にも成功する。「開幕戦の2位が痛いですね、今となっては」と語るも、「あの時のスタートミスがあったからこそ、その後はスタートで遅れることなく優勝を重ねられている」とつけ加えるあたりに、今後に対しても強い自信を感じさせた。勝田に次ぐ3位は野尻が獲得し、TODA RACINGのお膝元で連続して表彰台に上がることとなった。
F3-Nクラスでは高星が7連勝を達成。これまではどちらかというと独走が多かったが、今回は狙ったとおりとはいえ、僅差での勝利となったことで「また引き出しが増えたと思います」と、満足そうな表情を見せていた。そして、インドラ・パユーングに続く3位は、TEAM NOVA WITH NIPPON IMMの湯澤翔平が獲得。予選こそ最下位だったものの、スタートでB-MAX ENGINEERINGのDRAGONをかわし、いったんは逆転を許してはいた。しかし、DRAGONが13周目にタイミングベルトが切れてストップしたこともあり、3番手に返り咲き、その後はまったく危なげない走りで、初めての表彰台を獲得することとなった。
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2013年 全日本F3選手権シリーズ第7戦決勝結果 |
2013年全日本フォーミュラ3選手権 第7戦決勝結果 |
Pos. |
No. |
F3N |
Driver |
Team/Car |
Type |
Lap |
Total Time |
Delay |
Gap |
Best |
1 |
36 |
Y.Nakayama/中山 雄一 |
Dallara F312 |
25 |
36'15.601 |
153.185 |
1'25.592 |
2 |
37 |
T.Katsuta/勝田 貴元 |
Dallara F312 |
25 |
36'24.385 |
152.569 |
8.784 |
1'25.631 |
3 |
2 |
T.Nojiri/野尻 智紀 |
Dallara F312 |
25 |
36'44.873 |
151.152 |
29.272 |
1'27.218 |
4 |
50 |
K.Chiyo/千代 勝正 |
B-MAX・F312 |
Dallara F312 |
25 |
36'48.204 |
150.924 |
32.603 |
1'27.190 |
5 |
8 |
S.Kiyohara/清原 章太 |
Dallara F312 |
25 |
36'50.001 |
150.801 |
34.400 |
1'26.953 |
6 |
23 |
○ |
M.Takaboshi/高星 明誠 |
S Road NDDP F3 |
Dallara F306 N |
25 |
37'20.784 |
148.729 |
1'05.183 |
1'28.447 |
7 |
38 |
○ |
Nanin Indra-Payoong |
Dallara F306 N |
25 |
37'21.517 |
148.681 |
1'05.916 |
1'28.551 |
8 |
11 |
○ |
S.Yuzawa/湯澤 翔平 |
Nova with IMM F306 |
Dallara F306 N |
24 |
36'30.815 |
146.037 |
1 Lap |
1'29.765 |
9 |
13 |
M.Yoshida/吉田 基良 |
B-MAX・F312 |
Dallara F312 |
24 |
37'31.141 |
142.123 |
1 Lap |
1'30.061 |
------- 以上完走 ------- |
30 |
○ |
B-MAX・F306 |
Dallara F306 N |
13 |
19'41.772 |
146.645 |
12 Laps |
1'29.702 |
7 |
N.Matsushita/松下 信治 |
Dallara F312 |
12 |
17'29.894 |
152.367 |
13 Laps |
1'26.522 |
62 |
○ |
R.Ogawa/小河 諒 |
Le Beausset F308 |
Dallara F308 N |
スタート出来ず |
開始時刻: 終了時刻:
参加台数:13台 出走台数:13台
ベストラップ: 36 Y.Nakayama/中山 雄一 1'25.592 3/25 155.748km/h
F3-N(○印で記載)はTOYOTA TOM'S 3S-GEを搭載した車輌です。 |
Nakayama Dominates the Race from Start to Finish
With a time of 1:25.415 Yuichi Nakayama (PETRONAS TEAM TOM’S) won back the pole for the second heat of the Okayama race weekend from his team mate Takamoto Katsuta. Front row of the grid is now a “reserved seat” for Nakayama, but this regular front row-sitter was not quite satisfied with the result that was slower than his time from the previous qualifying. “Due to not good timing I was interrupted several times during my attacks, and above all I struggled with a lack of grip perhaps due to the rise in track temperature.” Katsuta secured 2nd, followed by Nobuharu Matsushita (HFDP RACING) and Tomoki Nojiri (TODA RACING).
The F3-N class was topped again by Mitsunori Takaboshi (NDDP RACING). Actually he has never been beaten so far since the season opener. Nanin Indra-Payoong (TOMS’ SPIRIT) secured 2nd, followed by Ryo Ogawa (TOCHIGI LE BEAUSSET MOTORSPORTS), who had placed second in the previous qualifying.
All the drivers filled the starting grid to complete a total of 25 laps, 7 laps more than Rd 6 except Hiroshi Koizumi (NET MOVE HANASHIMA RACING) who missed the race due to sickness. Clouds in the sky and wind - with air temperature of 26 degrees C and road surface temperature of 33 degrees C the conditions were completely different from the previous day.
Due to an electric problem Ogawa had pulled off to the side of the course before the formation lap was even completed, which left only 11 cars on the grid.
Nakayama got away best from pole, while Katsuta also made a good start, but was not as quite good as in Rd 6. Being outdistanced out of every turn he was 1.3s behind Nakayama when the Tom’s duo went into the second lap.
Takaboshi also nailed the start into the first corner narrowly ahead of Indra-Payoong, and this close formation continued throughout the race. In fact it was really what he had planned – the team manager Masahiro Hasemi instructed the driver to save himself in the early stages to ensure the tyres would last long. Meanwhile it was a cycle of closing on to and being left behind for Indra-Payoong, who was never allowed to overtake the NDDP driver.
While being shaken off by the leader, Katsuta was also gradually opening up his lead over third-placed Matsushita. Behind them a close battle was fought over fourth place among Nojiri, Katsumasa Chiyo (B-MAX ENGINEERING) and Shota Kiyohara (HFDP RACING). Capitalizing a shifting error made by Nojiri on Attwood corner on lap 4 Chiyo challenged Nojiri into the hairpin turn, but the Toda driver coped with it in a calm manner, and extended his advantage in the closing stages. A failure forced Matsushita into retirement on lap 13, and each of the remaining drivers made one place.
Making his lead even wider in the closing stages Nakayama ran away with 6th consecutive win. He also set the fastest lap, scoring full 12 points for the first time since the 5th round. “I now feel regret that I failed to win the season opener. But I’ve been able to keep winning all the more because I slipped up in that start,” he showed his great confidence in the future races. Nojiri finished 3rd, and his back to back podium finishes at Okayama were certainly invaluable for Toda Racing based in Okayama Prefecture.
In the F3-N class Takaboshi achieved his 7th consecutive win, but this was won after an unusual close race. “It was very good to experience such a race development”. Behind 2nd-placed Indra-Payoong came Shohei Yuzawa (TEAM NOVA WITH NIPPON IMM). From the rear of the field he immediately overtook Dragon (B-MAX ENGINEERING) with a good start, and although ceding the spot to Dragon for some time he shot past Dragon, who had stopped on lap 13 due to a faulty timing belt and cruised to score his first podium finish.