calender driver team ranking result report


2014年 全日本F3選手権シリーズ 第1戦/第2戦
● 金曜専有走行レポート ● 第1/2戦
● 第1戦決勝レポート ● 第1戦決勝上位コメント
● 第2戦決勝レポート ● 第2戦決勝上位コメント ● 決勝インタビュー  

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 全日本F3選手権が、今シーズンも鈴鹿サーキットで幕を開けることとなった。土曜日の予選で、第1戦のポールポジションを獲得したのは、B-MAX Racing Team with NDDPの高星明誠選手。残り2分を切ったところで赤旗中断となる波乱の展開の中、唯一2周のアタックができたこともあり、新たなレコードタイムとなる1分51秒877を記録する。
「僕を先頭で出してくれたチームに感謝しています。決勝のペースには自信があります」と高星。これに続いたのは昨年のFCJとF4の二冠王、ルーキーのPETRONAS TEAM TOM'Sの山下健太で、チームメイトの勝田貴元を従えることとなった。またF3-Nクラスではルーキーで、昨年のもてぎスーパーFJチャンピオンであるTOCHIGI Le Beausset Motorsportsの久保凛太郎がトップ。総合でも9番手につけて、KCMGの湯澤翔平がこれに続いた。テストから好調だったHANASHIMA RACINGの小泉洋史は、終盤のコースアウトで4番手に留まっている。

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久保 凛太郎/TOCHIGI Le Beausset Motorsports

 ポールシッターの高星が好スタートを切ったのに対し、2番手の山下はスタートを苦手としていることもあって出遅れてしまい、勝田どころかTODA RACINGの清原章太にもかわされ、4番手へと後退。だが、オープニングラップのシケインで、早くも山下は清原をかわして3番手に返り咲くが、その間にトップを争う高星と勝田は早くも山下を引き離していた。
 2周目にファステストラップとなる1分53秒273を記録した高星ながら、勝田を引き離せずにいたばかりか、その後のペースは山下の方が優り、やがてトップ争いは三つ巴に変化。逆に勢いに乗る山下は8周目の130Rでアウトから勝田をかわし、2番手に浮上。続けてトップの高星にも迫っていった。逆に抜かれた勝田にはHFDP RACINGの松下信治が急接近。予選こそ6番手だった松下だが、決勝でのペースは良く、スタートでひとつ順位を上げた上、3周目には清原を抜いて4番手に上がっていたのだ。


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 一方、F3-Nクラスでは「安全策のスタートを切った」ことが裏目に出て、久保が順位を落としたのに対し、逆に絶妙のスタートダッシュを決めたのがクラス3番手だったEXEDY RACING TEAMの三浦愛。一気にトップに立つと、久保と小泉を従える展開に。しかし、三浦は残念ながら逃げ切るまでには至らず、背後にふたりの猛者を置きながら、必死の抵抗を見せたものの、「シケインのブレーキングで差を詰められたので、ここで抜くと決めた次の周に思い切って行きました」という久保が5周目にトップへと浮上。次の周には小泉も三浦を抜いて2番手に浮上も、久保との差は広がる一方。難なく逃げ切った久保もまた、嬉しいデビューウィンを達成、「抜いた後もペースは良く、いい流れを作れたと思いますので、明日も連勝を狙います」と笑顔で語った。

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高星 明誠/B-MAX Racing Team with NDDP 小泉 洋史/Hanashima Racing
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B-MAX Racing Team with NDDP

2014年全日本フォーミュラ3選手権 第1戦決勝結果
  No.   Driver Team/Car Type Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 36 K.Yamashita/山下 健太 PETRONAS TOM'S F314 Dallara F314 12 22'53.174 182.69km/h 1'53.310
2 22 M.Takaboshi/高星 明誠 B-MAX NDDP F312 Dallara F312 12 22'54.296 1.122 1.122 1'53.273
3 1 T.Katsuta/勝田 貴元 PETRONAS TOM'S F312 Dallara F312 12 22'58.815 5.641 4.519 1'53.502
4 7 N.Matsushita/松下 信治 HFDP RACING F312 Dallara F312 12 22'59.201 6.027 0.386 1'53.460
5 2 S.Kiyohara/清原 章太 TODA FIGHTEX Dallara F312 12 23'01.570 8.396 2.369 1'54.316
6 8 T.Takahashi/高橋 翼 HFDP RACING F312 Dallara F312 12 23'01.948 8.774 0.378 1'54.282
7 23 D.Sasaki/佐々木 大樹 B-MAX NDDP F312 Dallara F312 12 23'02.386 9.212 0.438 1'54.084
8 38 Nanin Indra-Payoong CERUMO・INGING Jr.F312 Dallara F312 12 23'10.421 17.247 8.035 1'53.858
9 62 N R.Kubo/久保 凛太郎 CG ROBOTル・ボーセF308 Dallara F308 N 12 23'32.213 39.039 21.792 1'56.510
10 6 N H.Koizumi/小泉 洋史 Net Move Hanashima Racing Dallara F306 N 12 23'34.762 41.588 2.549 1'56.858
11 3 N A .Miura/三浦 愛 EXEDY RACING F307 Dallara F307 N 12 23'39.289 46.115 4.527 1'57.222
12 28 N T.Yamaguchi/山口 大陸 TAIROKU EXCEED Dallara F306 N 12 23'47.793 54.619 8.504 1'57.934
13 30 N DRAGON B-MAX with RSS306 Dallara F306 N 12 24'04.866 1'11.692 17.073 1'58.445
14 13 M.Yoshida/吉田 基良 B-MAX RACING F312 Dallara F312 12 24'06.213 1'13.039 1.347 1'59.278
15 19 N S.Yuzawa/湯澤 翔平 KCMG F308 Dallara F308 N 12 24'50.857 1'57.683 44.644 1'57.225
以上 規定周回数完走:
開始時刻: 15:24'09 終了時刻: 15:47'02
レース中のベストタイムは #22 高星 明誠 B-MAX NDDP F312 1'53.273 2/12 184.56km/h規定周回数 10

● Rookies Win − Yamashita in the Championship,
  Kubo in F3-N Class

  The Japanese F3 Championship kicked off the 2014 season again at Suzuka Circuit. Mitsunori Takaboshi of B-MAX Racing Team with NDDP took advantage of two attacks to secure pole on Saturday for the first race with a record time of 1:51.877. All the other drivers each were only able to do a single attack in the qualifying that was red-flagged with less than 2 minutes left.
“I am grateful that the team sent me first in the attacking order. I’m confident in my pace for the race,” said the B-Max driver. The 2013 FCJ and F4 series champion and a rookie of Japanese F3 championship, Kenta Yamashita qualified second ahead of PETRONAS TEAM TOM’S team mate Takamoto Katsuta. Placing 9th overall Rintaro Kubo (TOCHIGI Le Beausset Motorsports) topped the times in F3-N class, followed by Shohei Yuzawa (KCMG). Hiroshi Koizumi was in good condition in the practice session but settled for 4th place after he went off the track in the closing stages.
Four hours later the starting grid for the first race was filled with 15 cars to complete a total of 12 laps. With some rookies and some restructured teams the power relationships for 2014 were still unknown – it was in a highly charged and exciting atmosphere of the season opener when the lights went on one by one, and then out.
Takaboshi got a good start from pole while Yamashita, who was not good at starting, got a tardy start and allowed not only Katsuta but also Shota Kiyohara of TODA RACING to pass. Takaboshi and Katsuta were already pulling away as Yamashita passed Kiyohara to get back to third at chicane on the opening lap.
Despite having set the fastest lap of 1:53.273 on lap 2 not only was Takaboshi unable to build a comfortable lead over Katsutata, but he was slower than Yamashita before the three engaged in a battle for the top slot. Overtaking Katsuta from the outside line through the 130R turn on lap 8 to recover the 2nd  Yamashita was now closing up Takaboshi. Katsuta soon faced furious catch-up by 6th qualifier Nobuharu Matsushita (HFDP RACING), who had made one place in his good start and then overtaken Kiyohara to 4th on lap 3.
With the last 3 laps to go the lead two were running tail-to-nose, and on the closing lap Takaboshi finally was hunted down and overtaken from the outside by Yamashita in the run down to turn 2, allowing Yamashita to make a brilliant debut in the series.
“I lost several places in the start - I am not good at starting,” said Yamashita. “But the car was well balanced and I was able to make the tyres last till the end. This left room for me to overtake at the last moment. I must nail the start tomorrow to make good use of my pole position.” The dogfight between Katsuta and Matsushita continued until Katsuta managed to fend off Matsushita just by 4 tenths to finish 3rd behind Takaboshi.

◎ Miura Becomes the First Female Driver to Score Podium Finish

In F3-N Class Kubo’s ‘safety-first’ start backfired as 3rd qualifier Ai Miura made a lightning start to rocket to the top. Unfortunately though, the EXEDY RACING TEAM driver was unable to hold on to the place. She was surviving furious catch-ups by Kubo and Koizumi but ended up losing out to Kubo on lap 5. Koizumi also overtook her on lap 6, but the gap to the lead was too big to close and Kubo secured a comfortable win on his debut in the series. “When I closed the gap to her in braking into the chicane on lap 4 I was determined to overtake her on the following lap,” revealed Kubo. “I was able to keep a good pace after overtaking. I hope this good start will lead to another win tomorrow,” the rookie smiled. Miura placed 3rd – she was the first woman to stand on the podium of the Japan Formula 3 Championship.


