calender result report driver team ranking


2015年 全日本F3選手権シリーズ 第3戦/第4戦/第5戦
● 金曜専有走行レポート ● 第3/4戦
● 第3戦決勝
● 第3戦決勝レポート
● 第4戦決勝
● 第4戦決勝レポート ● 第5戦決勝
● 第5戦決勝レポート

●2015全日本F3選手権 第4戦 決勝

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◎ もてぎでの第4戦は山下健太がポール・トゥ・ウイン!

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高星明誠/B-Max Racing team with NDDP

 初夏を思わせるほどの好天に恵まれた、ツインリンクもてぎが舞台の全日本F3選手権第2大会。その第4戦決勝レースが5月10日(日)午前に開催された。前日に行われた予選においてポールポジションを獲得したのは、PETRONAS TEAM TOM'Sの山下健太。第3戦でもポールポジションを獲得していたが、さらに短縮を果たして1分44秒438をマークすると、すぐにピットに戻ってタイヤを温存する余裕さえ見せた。
 その山下に0.05秒差にまで肉薄したのが、B-Max Racing team with NDDPの高星明誠。「セッティングの変更がうまくいって、かなりタイムアップ出来たのですが、まだアジャストが足りなかったようです。そのあたりがうまくいけば、決勝にも自信があります」と力強く語った。3番手にはPETRONAS TEAM TOM'Sのニック・キャシディがつけ、4番手はB-Max Racing team with NDDPのルーカス・オルドネスが獲得。そして3列目のグリッドにはHFDP RACINGの福住仁嶺と高橋翼が並んだ。そしてF3-NクラスではTOM'Sの小河諒が1分46秒796でトップ。これにEXEDY RACING TEAMの三浦愛が続いて、その差はなんと1/1000秒。終了寸前にこの二人はタイムを揃って更新、一瞬だけ三浦愛がトップに立ったものの、すぐに小河が逆転しただけに「クルマがすごく仕上がっていたので、2番手という結果以上に1ポイントが獲れなかったのが悔しいです」と三浦愛は語っていた。

 この予選が行われた9日(土)は曇天だったものの、決勝レースが行われる10日は好天に恵まれ、さわやかなコンディションとなっていた。午前10 時3分、決勝レースがスタート。ポールシッターの山下は、より鋭いダッシュを決めた高星に1コーナーの進入で横に並びかけられるも、辛くも逆転を許さず、トップで立ち上がることに成功。高星とキャシディを背後に置いて、1周目をクリアする。オルドネスがスタートで出遅れ、福住と高橋が4番手、5番手に浮上する一方、F3-Nクラスでは三浦愛が好スタートを切り、小河を従えることに成功。しかし、小河も大きく遅れることなく続き、逆転の機会をうかがう。

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小河 諒/TOM'S




 一方、F3-Nクラスではスタートで三浦愛の先行を許した小河ではあったものの、少しも遅れずに周回を重ねていく。プレッシャーをかけ続ける中、3周目の1コーナーでB-Max Racing teamの吉田基良と三浦愛が接触。その脇を小河が難なくすり抜け、トップに躍り出る。「僕は何かしたわけでなく、前で接触があってトップに立つことができました。結果としてラッキーでしたが、僕のプランではその周にオーバーテイクするつもりでした」と小河。


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高星明誠/B-Max Racing team with NDDP DRAGON/B-Max Racing team
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高橋 翼/HFDP RACING ルーカス・オルドネス
B-Max Racing team with NDDP
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ストゥルアン・ムーア/KCMG 山下健太/PETRONAS TEAM TOM'S 小河 諒/TOM'S

全日本F3選手権 第4戦決勝 正式結果
Pos. No. Driver Team/Car Team/Car Laps Total tone Delay Gap Best
1 36 山下 健太/Kenta Yamashita PETRONAS TOM'S F312 Dallara F312 14 25'01.994 161.11km/h 1'46.491
2 23 高星 明誠/M.Takaboshi B-MAX NDDP F3 Dallara F315 14 25'02.927 0.933 0.933 1'46.415
3 37 ニック・キャシディ/Nick Cassidy PETRONAS TOM'S F314 Dallara F314 14 25'08.449 6.455 5.522 1'46.625
4 7 福住 仁嶺/Nirei Fukuzumi HFDP RACING F312 Dallara F312 14 25'10.869 8.875 2.420 1'47.090
5 8 高橋 翼/Tsubasa Takahashi HFDP RACING F312 Dallara F312 14 25'14.893 12.899 4.024 1'47.179
6 22 ルーカス・オルドネス/Lucas Ordonez B-MAX NDDP F3 Dallara F312 14 25'15.570 13.576 0.677 1'47.188
7 19 ストゥルアン・ムーア/Struan Moore KCMG F312 Dallara F312 14 25'17.891 15.897 2.321 1'47.265
8 2 石川 京侍/Keishi Ishikawa TODA FIGHTEX Dallara F312 14 25'21.099 19.105 3.208 1'47.418
9 28 山口大陸/Tairoku Yamaguchi タイロク・ハナシマ28号 Dallara F312 14 25'29.229 27.235 8.130 1'48.186
10 38 小河 諒/Ryo Ogawa N KeePer TOM'S F306 Dallara F306 N 14 25'46.767 44.773 17.538 1'49.471
11 3 三浦 愛/Ai Miura N EXEDY RACING F307 Dallara F307 N 14 25'49.121 47.127 2.354 1'49.765
12 30 DRAGON N B-MaxRacingF308 Dallara F308 N 14 26'05.604 1'03.610 16.483 1'50.564
13 77 三浦 勝/Masaru.Miura N アルボルアルデアCMS306 Dallara F306 N 14 26'09.575 1'07.581 3.971 1'50.906
14 5 アレックス・ヤン/Alex Yang N KRC Hanashima Racing Dallara F306 N 14 26'41.143 1'39.149 31.568 1'53.013
15 18 ギョオム・クニントン/Guillaume Cunnington N FSC MOTORSPORT Dallara F307 N 14 26'54.882 1'52.888 13.739 1'52.418
以上 規定周回数完走:
13 吉田基良/Motoyoshi Yoshida RSSwithB-Max312 Dallara F312 2 3'47.993 12Laps 12Laps 1'50.539

開始時刻: 10:03'05 終了時刻: 10:28'06
BEST TIME 23 高星 明誠/M.Takaboshi B-MAX NDDP F3 1'46.415 4/14 162.43km/h
規定周回数 12
2015年全日本フォーミュラ3選手権統一規則 第19条4.違反により、訓戒の罰則を課した。[ 裁定時刻 11:03 ]


May 10, 2015
Rd. 4 Motegi

◎ Pole to Finish for Kenta Yamashita
The second race weekend of 2015 Japanese Formula 3 Championship was held at Twin Ring Motegi, and on Saturday May 9th Kenta Yamashita secured pole positon for the fourth race. Once he set 1m44.438, better than the time that he secured pole for the previous race with, the PETRONAS TEAM TOM'S driver even allowed himself to go back to the pits to save his tyres rather than doing yet another attack.
Mitsunori Takaboshi closely followed by just a narrow margin of 0.05secs. "Changing setups did work out very well but still need some adjustments," said the B-Max Racing team with NDDP driver. "If we find even better setups I think I can make it in the race." Nick Cassidy (PETRONAS TEAM TOM'S), Lucas Ordonez (B-Max Racing team with NDDP) and the HFDP RACING duo Nirei Fukuzumi and Tsubasa Takahashi rounded out top six.
Ryo Ogawa of TOM'S qualified first in the F3-N class just a thousandth of a second ahead of Ai Miura. The EXEDY RACING TEAM driver improved her personal best at the last minute and got up to the top, but just for a moment before Ogawa set even better time. "I am all the more disappointed with having failed to score a point rather than having placed second because the car was completely set up," said Miura.

● Yamashita Survives Takaboshi's Catch-up to Hold on to Top Spot
In contrast of the cloudy conditions for the qualifying it was favored by a sunny early summer weather on Sunday. The race started at 10:03 a.m. Although being caught into the first corner by Takaboshi who had a strong dash Yamashita narrowly managed to get out of the corner still in front and complete the opening lap ahead of Takaboshi and Cassidy. Ordonez's sluggish start promoted Fukuzumi and Takahashi to 4th and 5th positions respectively. In F3-N class Ai Miura got a good start to take a lead over Ogawa, but the TOM'S held out not to significantly lag behind for a chance to fight back.

● Yamashita, Takaboshi and Cassidy Secure Podium
In pursuit of taking advantage of his new tyres to take the top spot in early stages Takaboshi was aggressively challenging Yamashita's watertight defense, setting the fastest lap on lap 4, and when Cassidy started to fall off the pace of the lead two on lap 3 the race seemed to take on a duel over the lead, but it only lasted until later stages in which Yamashita extended his margin to one and a half second, ending up completing the entire 14 laps to his first victory of the season with no need for harder pressing on the accelerator. "In the previous race the start was everything! So I was hoping to get a good start to win this race. I'm relieved that I made it," said Yamashita. "I'm really happy with my first win in a while, but for now I have to concentrate on the next race in this afternoon." Cassidy could not make it back-to-back win as he finished 3rd behind Takaboshi. The grid order from 4th to 6th was maintained throughout the race as Fukuzumi, Takahashi and Ordonez rounded out top six.

● Ogawa Reclaims the Top Spot from Ai Miura

Meanwhile in F3-N class, under mounting pressure from Ogawa lapping closely behind, Ai Miura had a contact with Motoyoshi Yoshida of B-Max Racing team at the first corner on lap 3, letting Ogawa breeze past to reclaim the top spot. "I did nothing special but place first after the incident ahead. I was lucky, but actually I was going to make an overtaking attempt on that lap," Ogawa looked back.
Once positioned out in front Ogawa showed better pace than Miura, keeping opening up the lead every lap up to three and a half seconds, and while the final lap saw him slowing down he crossed the line to clinch his second victory of the season. The third place went again to DRAGON, who had won Masaru Miura after comfortably completing the 14 laps.


